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Ikigai: How Your Purpose Extends Your Lifespan

Ikigai: How Your Purpose Extends Your Lifespan

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Ikigai: How Your Purpose Extends Your Lifespan

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Do you have a purpose? 
A sense of purpose is the foundation upon which a life of success and self-fulfillment is built. 
When you have a clear sense of purpose, you possess an unwavering commitment to your goals and a deep understanding of the impact you want to make on the world. This sense of direction acts as a compass, guiding your decisions, fueling your motivation, and propelling you toward a life of achievement and meaning.
Highly successful people universally recognize the true power of purpose. They understand that true success goes beyond mere wealth or status; it's about living in alignment with one's values and making a positive difference in the lives of others.
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These individuals have taken the time to uncover their unique purpose - that sweet spot where their talents, passions, and the needs of the world converge. With this clarity, they can focus their energy, overcome obstacles, and create extraordinary results.
This article will discuss how you can discover your true purpose and use it to reach your true potential and become a better version of yourself.

What is Ikigai?

The Japanese concept of ikigai (pronounced ee-key-guy) takes this idea of purpose to a profound new level. Ikigai roughly translates to "reason for being" and refers to living with a deep sense of purpose that brings joy and meaning to every day. 
It sits at the intersection of four key elements:
  1. What you love (your passion)
  2. What the world needs (your mission)
  3. What you are good at (your vocation)
  4. What you can get paid for (your profession)
When you discover an activity or pursuit that combines all four of these elements, you've found your ikigai. This is the sweet spot where your talents, passions, and the needs of the world converge, allowing you to make a meaningful contribution while sustaining yourself.

How can your purpose extend your lifespan?

Living with ikigai not only leads to a greater sense of fulfillment and happiness but also has a remarkable impact on health and longevity. 
Finding purpose and staying active are key elements of the ikigai, and these principles are particularly relevant for older adults. A 2018 national survey in Japan revealed that nearly half of people aged 70 and above remain engaged in activities such as work, hobbies, or community involvement. This commitment to staying active and purposeful is a defining characteristic of many Japanese seniors.
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Interestingly, the reasons behind continuing to work seem to have a significant impact on health outcomes. A study focusing on individuals aged 65 and older found that those who work solely for financial reasons have a 55% higher risk of experiencing a decline in functional capacity within two years, compared to those who work in pursuit of their ikigai. This highlights the importance of aligning one's activities with a sense of purpose and fulfillment rather than just going through the motions.
According to psychiatrist Viktor Frankl, “Humans thrive not by avoiding tension, but by striving towards meaningful goals.” Engaging in purposeful activities, whether through work, hobbies, or community involvement, provides a sense of direction and fulfillment that contributes to overall well-being.
1. Stress reduction
 Having a strong sense of purpose provides a buffer against stress and helps individuals maintain a sense of control and mastery over their lives. When faced with stressors, purpose-driven individuals often exhibit more efficient physiological responses, including lower levels of cortisol (the "stress hormone") and more balanced cardiovascular reactivity. 
Over time, this enhanced stress resilience can reduce the wear and tear on the body, which is known as an "allostatic load," which is associated with a wide range of age-related diseases.
2.  Inflammation regulation
Chronic low-grade inflammation is a common feature of aging and is implicated in the development of many age-related conditions, from heart disease to Alzheimer's. 
Studies have found that individuals with a higher sense of purpose tend to have lower levels of inflammatory markers such as C-reactive protein and interleukin-6. This suggests that purpose may help to regulate the body's inflammatory responses, thereby slowing the aging process at a cellular level.
3. Healthier lifestyle behaviors
People with a strong sense of purpose tend to engage in healthier lifestyle behaviors, such as regular exercise, nutritious eating, and preventive healthcare. 
These behaviors are well-known to reduce the risk of chronic diseases and increase lifespan. The sense of meaning and motivation provided by purpose may help individuals to maintain these healthy habits over the long term.
4. Enhanced brain function
Having a sense of purpose is associated with better cognitive function and a slower rate of age-related cognitive decline. This may be due in part to the mental stimulation and engagement that often comes with pursuing one's purpose. 
Additionally, neuroimaging studies have found that purpose is linked to increased connectivity between different regions of the brain, which may help to compensate for age-related changes in brain structure and function.
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5. Social connection and support
Pursuing one's purpose often involves connecting with others who share similar values and goals. These social connections provide a sense of belonging and support, which are critical for mental and emotional well-being. 
Strong social ties have been consistently linked to increased longevity, possibly through their effects on stress, health behaviors, and cognitive function.

How to find your ikigai

Finding your ikigai is a journey of self-discovery that involves reflecting on your passions, skills, values, and the ways in which you might contribute to the world. Here is a step-by-step guide to uncovering your ikigai:
1. Identify your passions
Reflect on the things that you love doing. Identify activities that make you lose track of time. These are the activities that make you feel alive. Perhaps it’s writing, painting, teaching, or solving complex problems. Whatever your passions are, list them down and consider how they may fit in the bigger picture of your life. 
Ask yourself:
  •    What do you love doing?
  •    What activities make you are genuinely proud of or interested in
  •    What topics do you find yourself constantly reading or talking about?
2. Recognize your skills and talents
Keep track of your unique talents and abilities. Each person is unique and so do you. What comes naturally to you? 
What skills have you acquired and nurtured throughout your life. Consider asking your friends and colleagues for their input on what they see as your strengths. 
Ask yourself:
  • What are you naturally good at?
  • What skills have you developed over time?
  • What do others recognize as your strengths?
3. Determine what the world needs
Whether you like it or not, we are all connected. True happiness and fulfillment come from the value that we can provide to those around us. 
Think about the problems or challenges you see in your community or the world at large. What issues tug at your heartstrings? Where do you feel you could make a meaningful contribution? Aligning your passions and skills with a greater sense of purpose can be incredibly fulfilling.
Ask yourself:
  • What the world needs? 
  • What are the problems I can solve?
  • How could you use your passions and skills to make a positive impact?
4. Consider what you can be paid for
Reflect on how you can monetize your passions and skills. What careers or entrepreneurial ventures align with your interests and abilities? Think about how you can create value that others are willing to pay for.
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Ask yourself:
  • Is there a way to turn my passions and skills into a viable career or business?
  • What industries or markets could benefit from my unique blend of interests and abilities?
  • How can I package my talents in a way that provides value to others?
5. Reflect on the intersection:
Look for the overlap between your passions, skills, the needs of the world, and what you can be paid for. This intersection is where your ikigai likely lies.
 Take time to contemplate how these various elements might come together in a way that feels meaningful and fulfilling. 
Ask yourself:
  • Where do I see the greatest convergence of my passions, talents, and potential for impact?
  • What pursuits allow me to express my purpose while also supporting myself financially?
  • How can I craft a life that integrates all aspects of my ikigai?
6. Experiment and explore
Once you have a sense of your potential ikigai, it's time to start testing the waters. Try out activities or projects that align with your purpose. This could mean volunteering, taking a class, or starting a side hustle. 
Pay attention to how these experiences make you feel. Do they bring a sense of fulfillment and excitement?
Ask yourself:
  • What small steps can I take to start exploring my ikigai?
  • How can I create opportunities to engage with activities that align with my purpose?
  • What do my reactions to these experiences tell me about what matters most to me?
7. Refine and adjust:
As you gain more insight into what does and doesn't resonate with you, take time to refine your understanding of your purpose. It's okay for your sense of ikigai to evolve over time as you grow and change. Remain open to new possibilities and be willing to pivot when necessary. 
Ask yourself:
  • What have I learned about myself and my ikigai through my experiences so far?
  • How has my understanding of my purpose shifted or deepened over time?
  • What adjustments do I need to make to stay in alignment with my evolving ikigai?
8. Integrate into daily life
Once you have a clear sense of your ikigai, look for ways to incorporate it into your daily routines and responsibilities. This could mean making changes to your career, pursuing a passion project on the side, or committing to regular volunteer work. The key is to find ways to express your purpose on a consistent basis.
 Ask yourself:
  • How can I structure my life to make space for my ikigai?
  • What changes do I need to make to my work, relationships, or daily habits to live in greater alignment with my purpose?
  • How can I ensure that I am regularly engaging with activities that bring me a sense of fulfillment and meaning?


As human beings, it’s innate to seek higher meaning in life. We are wired to seek purpose. After all, our very own brain is designed to solve problems and ultimately express itself in the most creative way we perceive.
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Developing your purpose using ikigai can help you find more motivation and energy every day. It will allow you to become more consistent and achieve more goals way faster. More importantly, having a genuine purpose in life have a significant impact in our lifespan and the quality of experiences we’ll have throughout our lives.

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