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Take Essential Amino Acids (EAA)

Take Essential Amino Acids (EAA)

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Essential Amino Acids (EAAs) are amino acids which cannot be made by your body and can only be obtained through your diet. The best sources of these amino acids are meat, eggs, and protein.

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Time Commitment

Few minutes

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Suggested Frequency


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Time of Day


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How to Do It

Consume foods that contain the 9 EAAs and/or take a daily EAA supplement.

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Required Equipment

Foods that require the 9 EAAs and/or EAA supplements.

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  • Improves mood and sleep
  • Boosts performance in exercise
  • Prevents muscle loss in body
  • Promotes weight loss
  • Improves body composition

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Why it works

Essential Amino Acids have been scientifically proven to help your body build protein and muscle tissue. Exercise causes muscles to break down, but by consuming amino acids, you help your body rebuild and grow.

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Possible Side Effects

Do not consume if you have issues digesting certain amino acids.

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Related Products

Some of the most popular EAA supplements are:

  • Enigma
  • Intra
  • Intra Blast
  • Superhuman Intra

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  • Vegetarians and vegans are more likely to see the greatest benefit from an EAA supplement because fewer plant-based proteins contain all of the essential amino acids.
  • Add the supplement to your pre-workout or post-workout recovery drink.
  • Check the label on your supplement for additives and sweeteners if you are concerned about your daily caloric intake.
  • Amino acids are organic compounds made of nitrogen, carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. On a daily basis, your body requires 20 amino acids. Of these, 11 are produced in your body naturally, while the others are not. The nine EAAs are: histidine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, threonine, tryptophan and valine.

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