Acupuncture is a healing method in which thin needles are inserted into the skin in order to stimulate specific points. This practice has its origins in traditional Chinese medicine and is done to improve things like chronic pain, osteoarthritis, and muscle spasms.
Acupuncture is something you should never try on your own.
If you want to build this habit, it’s crucial that you find an experienced and licensed practitioner to work with.
The best way to find a good acupuncturist is word of mouth.
You can also speak to your doctor to see if they have suggestions for local acupuncturists.
Your first session will likely involve mostly discussing your specific issues with the acupuncturists and subsequent sessions will be shorter and more treatment-focused.
Sessions can take between 30 minutes and two hours, depending on what your specific treatment needs are
Acupuncture reduces pro-inflammatory markers, lowering your body’s inflammation response and reducing pain.
Using specific points in the body, acupuncture stimulates nerves to induce neurohormonal reactions, like creating more endorphins, which also reduces pain.
1-2 times per week for 6 weeks.
Most side effects are uncommon, but it’s possible to experience some of the following post-treatment session side effects.
Jennifer Aniston
Dr. Oz