Buteyko Breathing is part of a method that teaches you how to normalize your breathing volume. It is common that people breathe with a high frequency, even though they don’t need it according to their physical activity. That may lead to hyperventilation and other health issues.
- May improve respiratory health
- May decrease stress level
- May decrease anxiety
- May reduce snoring
- May improve your sleep quality
- May boost your mood
- May improve focus
Buteyko breathing has 5 simple steps. Breathe using your diaphragm (moving your stomach, not your chest):
- Inhale through your nose. Sit down with good posture and inhale normally.
- Exhale through your nose. A normal exhale.
- Shorter inhalation through your nose. Breathe in for 1-2 seconds and stop.
- Long exhalation through your nose. Slowly release the breath for 5 seconds. Then hold your breath for 5 seconds.
- Repeat this process for 2-3 minutes.
It is crucial that you always breathe using your diaphragm.
- Hyperventilation leads to lower levels of carbon dioxide, which may lead to bad oxygenation of the body and blood vessel issues.
- This breathing exercise helps restore the balance between the oxygen and C02 levels in the body.
- This exercise helps activate the parasympathetic nervous system, which helps lower blood pressure, reduces stress and agitation.
At least 2 times per week
Headache, diarrhea, nausea, general discomfort.
It is not recommended for people with blood pressure problems.
- There’s scientific debate about this breathing technique.
- In some cases, it helps to reduce the symptoms of rhinitis.
- Identify how often you breathe so you know if you are breathing more than you need to.
- At rest, 8-12 breaths per minute is normal.