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Create 3 Critical Tasks for Tomorrow

Create 3 Critical Tasks for Tomorrow

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This habit involves planning and prioritizing your tasks for the following day. It requires identifying 3 important tasks that contribute to your progress and success in either your business or personal life. These tasks should be challenging yet achievable and aligned with your goals.

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Time Commitment

10 minutes

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Suggested Frequency


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Time of Day

Evening or before ending your workday

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How to Do It

Take a few minutes each evening to review your goals, projects, and priorities. Identify three critical tasks that, if completed, will move you closer to your objectives. You can enter them in Ultiself App, under the “My Routine Section”, Tasks section is in the top right corner.

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Required Equipment

Notebook, Ulitself, digital task management tool, or any preferred method of task organization.

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Selecting three critical tasks provides focus, clarity, and direction for your day. It helps you prioritize high-impact activities and prevents you from getting overwhelmed or distracted by less important tasks. It enhances productivity, goal achievement, and effective time management.

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Why it works

By identifying three critical tasks, you establish a clear sense of purpose and direction. This focuses your energy and attention on the most important tasks, reducing decision fatigue and increasing productivity.

It also helps you avoid the trap of busyness by ensuring that you allocate your time and effort to tasks that align with your goals and priorities.

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Possible Side Effects

There are generally no negative side effect.

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  • Prioritize tasks based on their importance and impact on your long-term goals.
  • Break down larger tasks into smaller, actionable steps to make them more manageable.
  • Consider the time and resources required for each task when selecting your top three.
  • Review and update your list regularly to ensure it remains aligned with your changing priorities and deadlines.

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Supporting Studies and Articles

  1. "The Art of Choosing" - Iyengar, S. S. (2010)
  2. "The Power of Prioritization: When Less Is More" - Sonenshein, S. (2018)

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 Stress  Productivity  Focus
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