Gratitude on Good Traits is an exercise designed to help you appreciate yourself. Being more grateful for your ‘good traits’ may improve your happiness and confidence.
Regularly write down or think of things about yourself that you’re grateful for. These can be aspects of your personality, talents or physical characteristics. Think about who or what you should be thanking for these traits - your parents? Luck? Your own hard work?
An example can be, “I am grateful for my creativity”, or “I am grateful for being punctual”.
The key is to focus on the positive here.
Try to write down or think of at least 3 things per day.
5-10 minutes
Once a day
There are no recorded negative outcomes of any gratitude exercise. However, when in a negative headspace, this exercise may be frustrating. Other habits relating to mood can help in these situations.
Chris Pratt
Anna Faris
Will Arnet
Clint Eastwood
Matt Damon
Oprah Winfrey