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NLP Ring of Fire Technique

NLP Ring of Fire Technique

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NLP is a self improvement modality that is based around your senses.

Ring of Power is a neurolinguistic programming technique that uses imagination and visualization to build positive qualities.

It helps you create a defined view of yourself in a private space and then carry this defined view of yourself into any setting that you want to bring it to.

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How to Do It

Imagine a small circle on the ground in front of you -a ring of power.

Fill it with the positive qualities you would like to cultivate in yourself by imagining moments when you felt those emotions strongly. Now close your eyes and step into the ring.

As you stand inside the ring, picture yourself with every great quality that you just placed in the ring.

Now step out of the ring and leave the feeling inside of the ring.

You can recreate this ring when you go to a job interview, a presentation, or any place that you need those qualities. All of the qualities and feelings you had inside that ring at home can now be brought with you anywhere you want them to be.

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  • May decrease stress
  • May decrease anxiety
  • May boost self-esteem
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Time Commitment

5-10 minutes

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Why it works

Neuro Linguistic Programming is based on the assumption that every individual has one dominant sense faculty (visual, auditory, etc.) in which learning is easier. NLP techniques are matched to the individual’s dominant faculty to improve learning.

The goal is to create a certain feeling of intense emotion inside of your imaginary ring. You own the ring and you can recreate it in any location. Every time you want to exert your best traits, you can create the ring and give yourself the mental boost needed.

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Suggested Frequency

Daily or as needed

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Supporting Studies and Articles

  1. Kotera, Y., Sheffield, D., & Gordon, W. V. (2019). The applications of neuro-linguistic programming in organizational settings: A systematic review of psychological outcomes. Human Resource Development Quarterly, 30(1), 101–116. https://doi.org/10.1002/hrdq.21334
  2. Sturt, J., Ali, S., Robertson, W., Metcalfe, D., Grove, A., Bourne, C., & Bridle, C. (2012). Neurolinguistic programming: A systematic review of the effects on health outcomes. The British Journal of General Practice, 62(604), e757–e764. https://doi.org/10.3399/bjgp12X658287
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Side Effects

May not work for everyone

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Required Equipment


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Gurus/Celebrities/Doing it

Cheryl Cole

Oprah Winfrey

Jimmy Carr

Russel Brand

Robbie Williams

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Suggested Time of Day

Any time

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There is no conclusive scientific evidence on the health benefits of Neuro Linguistic Programming. Just like most habits it may work for you or it may not.

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 Happiness  Confidence  Stress
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