According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, about 75% of Americans don’t consume enough vegetables, fruits, and oils. And most of them exceed the recommended intake of added sugars, saturated fats, and sodium.
When we talk about fitness, we talk about well-being. This is a state of both physical and mental health. It stresses the active role you have, as an individual, to change your habits and improve your overall health. The good news is that we have a routine for you to achieve all your goals and improve yourself.
Here’s an excellent routine to achieve that state of overall health.
DESCRIPTION - Exercising is the cornerstone of a healthy lifestyle. Regular exercise is related to lower risk of mortality, improved cognition, less anxiety, lower risk of depression, improvements in sleep quality, reduced weight gain, among others. It has solid benefits both for your body and mind. Exercising can set the mood to keep working on your daily activities and being productive.
ACTION - Practice a physical activity at least 30 minutes 3-5 times a week.
Best Time of Day: Morning
DESCRIPTION - Meditation is the exercise for your mind. It decreases cortisol, also known as the stress hormone. Practicing it regularly helps you maintain a good mood and protect your mental health. Meditation may help you stop reacting blindly to every situation in your life and get focused on your goals. Alongside with a healthy diet and exercise, is an excellent way to cultivate long-term well-being.
ACTION - Practice mindfulness meditation for 10 to 30 minutes daily.
Best Time of Day: Morning
DESCRIPTION - Exercising outside in the morning is a great habit combination. Morning sunlight has several benefits. It may improve your immune system, mood, brain function, and the quality of your sleep. It promotes the production of vitamin D, optimizes your circadian rhythms, and promotes endorphins production. If you can, try to get outside barefoot as it may help regulate your autonomic nervous system and circadian rhythm.
ACTION - Get 5-15 minutes of sunlight per day before 10 am.
Best Time of Day: Morning
DESCRIPTION - Your body needs a lot of nutrients to reach an optimal level. These vegetables have a lot of vitamins and minerals, including folate, vitamins E, C and K, and beta-carotene. Their regular consumption is associated with a lower risk of chronic diseases such as cancer. They are also rich in flavonoids, carotenoids, antioxidant enzymes, and other minor compounds.
ACTION - Add vegetables like arugula, turnips, cabbage, radishes and broccoli, to your daily diet.
Best Time of Day: Afternoon
DESCRIPTION - Getting fitness without adequate sleep is simply impossible. It is a must when it comes to taking care of your body and mind. Higher sleep quality will help you get more energy to be productive and work hard on your goals every day. Bad sleep quality is related to a higher risk of chronic illnesses and negative changes in your mood. Lack of sleep is also related to a decrease in cognitive performance, which affects your life in general.
ACTION - Get between 6 and 8 hours of sleep every night.
Best Time of Day: Evening
DESCRIPTION - A healthy lifestyle is probably a shift in your life. That’s why you need to have some goals and track them regularly. Consistent review of your goals can help you achieve them. This habit has been shown to be an effective way to change behaviors and modify old or negative habits. Every time you review your goals, make sure you prioritize and define specific actions to take.
ACTION - Review, write down, and prioritize your goals regularly.
Best Time of Day: Evening
DESCRIPTION - Your body needs a lot of water to work properly. Hydration is crucial for fluid balance, regulation of body temperature, and cognitive performance. The lack of water may lead to alterations in physical performance, fatigue level, the effort required, focus, alertness, and memory. Usually, people don’t drink enough water throughout the day.
ACTION - Drink 2-3 liters of water spread consistently throughout the day to stay hydrated.
Best Time of Day: Any
DESCRIPTION - Eating healthy is the best companion to regular exercise. It helps to regulate energy intake and get all the nutrients your body needs. Healthy eating is associated with: preventing chronic diseases, lowering inflammation levels, lowering cholesterol levels, healthy weight, and better sleep patterns. Make sure you have a balanced diet, including all food groups, reducing added sugars and unhealthy fats, and controlling the size of your portions.
ACTION - Eat 3 to 5 servings of fruits and vegetables and avoid excessive added sugar and unhealthy fats.
Best Time of Day: Any
"Fitness Routine"
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