The immune system is our internal surveillance system. It helps fight bacteria, viruses and other foreign microorganisms that can damage your body. A healthy immune system is essential for our health and well being.
In this routine you will discover habits that can upgrade your immune system to keep you as healthy as possible.
DESCRIPTION - Echinechea may increase the ability of our immune system to fight infections and diseases. For that reason, it is known as an immunostimulant. One of its uses is in relieving the symptoms of the common cold. Consuming Echinacea makes cold symptoms last less and/or less severe. Echinechea can be found in different presentations, such as syrups and tablets.
ACTION - Drink echinacea infusion three times a day when you have a cold to relieve symptoms.
Best Time of Day: Morning
DESCRIPTION - By exposing yourself to sunlight you can obtain vitamin D. Vitamin D is great for your immune system. Exposure to sunlight may also decrease the risk of autoimmune diseases, such as arthritis and inflammatory bowel disease. Get at least 20 minutes of sunlight every day, ideally in the morning. Make sure to avoid dangerous sun between 11 am and 3pm.
ACTION - Get at least 20 minutes of sunlight every day, ideally in the morning.
Best Time of Day: Morning
DESCRIPTION - There are many benefits that vitamin D has for the immune system. One of the greatest benefits is that it helps generate certain proteins that fight microbes. People who are low in vitamin D are more likely to get colds and even respiratory infections. Make sure you are getting enough vitamin D by getting enough sun and supplementing with vitamin D if you are deficient. You can supplement with Vitamin D or it can be found in foods such as salmon, tuna, egg yolks, and some vegetable-based milks.
ACTION - Take a supplement or make sure you eat salmon, tuna, egg yolks.
Best Time of Day: Morning
DESCRIPTION - Your immune system starts in your gut. Therefore improving your gut health with the right habits can boost your immune function. Probiotics are mainly known for their contribution to your digestive health. When our intestine does not function well, probiotics adds healthy gut bacteria. This bacteria helps in preventing the growth of microorganisms harmful to your health. In short, probiotics help maintain the balance in the gut and properly fight what could harm us and cause disease.
ACTION - Make sure to add yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, or probiotic supplements to your diet.
Best Time of Day: Morning
DESCRIPTION - Vitamin C is an antioxidant that is very important to the function of our immune system. Research has shown that when people are deficient in vitamin C, they are more likely to get infections. Vitamin C improves the functioning of cells that attack bacteria or viruses that can damage our bodies. It can be found in foods such as: citrus fruits, strawberries, melon, tomatoes, broccoli, red peppers.
ACTION - Consume foods such as citrus fruits, melon, and strawberries daily.
Best Time of Day: Afternoon
DESCRIPTION - If your immune system is like an internal surveillance and combat system, Zinc is one of the main security guards. Many of the functions it performs depend on a balanced amount of Zinc. When your body has too little Zinc your immune system weakens and there is a greater likelihood of inflammation and other diseases. According to the Office of Dietary Supplements (ODS), National Institutes of Health, an average adult should consume about 8mg-11mg of Zinc each day.
ACTION - Consume zinc daily as a supplement or in foods such as seafood and nuts.
Best Time of Day: Any
DESCRIPTION - Elderberry syrup has long been used to fight respiratory infections. Its properties are mainly antiviral. In addition, it may help the immune system by increasing the generation of inflammatory cytokines, which help cells of your immune system communicate and act more effectively against threats. It also contains flavonoids, substances that can prevent cell damage and aging. They are like small coordinators that ensure a better response when needed.
ACTION - Drink tea with elderberry syrup regularly to strengthen your immune system.
Best Time of Day: Any
DESCRIPTION - Hand washing does not improve your immune system directly, but it is one of the first lines of defence against bacteria, viruses and parasites. Therefore handwashing is key to your immunity. Soap and water are all you need, and you can also look for washing techniques to improve effectiveness. The reason soap is effective is that it breaks down the membranes of many viruses and bacteria. Hand washing is about fighting the infection before it starts, as well as avoiding spreading it to others when we are sick. If soap and water is not available consider carrying around a small sanitizer bottle to mitigate germs. This is especially important on airplanes and other areas with a lot of foot traffic.
ACTION - Wash your hands with soap regularly, especially after going out of your house.
Best Time of Day: Any
DESCRIPTION - Drinking water and staying hydrated can seem as simple as hand washing. However, it is a very simple action with great consequences. Creates balance at a cellular level and regulates our body temperature. It also eliminates waste from our body, a very important function when it comes to preventing diseases and health problems. Some disease-fighting proteins need to flow through your body. When you're dehydrated, these don't work well.
ACTION - Drink 2-3 liters of water throughout the day.
Best Time of Day: Any
"Immunity Routine"
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